
10 Rarest Ducks in the World

10 Rarest Ducks in the World

Ducks are a group of waterfowl that are smaller than geese and swans. There are over 100 species of ducks around the world. While some people keep them as pets, most ducks live in the wild. 

Unfortunately, many duck species are considered endangered due to hunting, habitat loss, predators, and climate change. Ducks are commonly found in wetlands, rivers, ponds, and lakes, where they dive and forage for food. However, with so many different species, duck populations face a variety of challenges.


Together, we can work towards a future where all duck species thrive in their natural habitats.Lets get started

01| The Scaly-sided duck

The Scaly-sided duck, also called the Chinese Merganser, lives in China and extreme Southeast Siberia. Male and female ducks have unique feathers. 

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Males have dark feathers, while females have dark gray feathers with white accents. They are named after the scales on their underside feathers.

The species is considered endangered by the IUCN Red List. Unlike other ducks, Scaly-sided ducks migrate north to breed and south for winter. They make their nests in tree holes near clear flowing rivers.

02| Meller's Ducks

Although not currently critically endangered, the population of Meller's Ducks is decreasing, putting them at risk in the future. These ducks look similar to mallards or wild ducks and are primarily found in Madagascar, but they were introduced to Mauritius, where they are now believed to be extinct.

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Meller's ducks have green feathers on their brown bodies with black and white details on their chests and heads. They are most commonly found in the Lac Alaotra wetlands, and conservation efforts have been established to protect and breed the species. The population of this species is still considered small.

03|The Hawaiian duck

The Hawaiian duck is a bird species native to the Hawaiian Islands and shares the same name. They do not migrate and have limited population locations, making them non-migratory. The species is considered endangered due to natural predators and hybridization.

Photo source: ebirds

Koloa maoli, meaning native duck, has brown feathers with spots, and males are more noticeable than females. They tend to be cautious of their surroundings and are usually found in pairs instead of groups, hiding in wetland grass and bushes.

04| The Blue Duck

The Blue Duck is a unique bird that belongs to the family of geese, swans, and ducks, and is found exclusively in New Zealand. This endangered species is the only member of the Hymenolaimus genus and is listed on the IUCN Red List due to a decline in its population caused by predators like trout and short-tailed weasels.

Photo source: wikipedia

The blue duck's name comes from its intriguing feathers, which have dark slate-gray or blue coloring on the head and white and chestnut accents. Male blue ducks produce a high-pitched whistle, while females have a rattling growl, and females are typically smaller in size.

05|  Laysan Duck

The Laysan Duck, or Laysan teal, is a small, charming species that is native to the Laysan Island in Hawaii. They feed by grabbing seeds and other aquatic animals on the water surface, without diving. Unfortunately, their small living range adds to their critically endangered status on the IUCN Red List.

Photo source: IUCN  red list

Laysan ducks have teal and dark-brown feathers with a prominent white eye-ring, making them distinct from other duck species. They also have a fat ring around their neck, but its purpose is unknown.

06| Baer's Pochard

Baer's Pochard, a diving duck species, has been listed as critically endangered since 2019. These birds are primarily residents of China and Russia but have been observed in India, Bangladesh, Japan, Korea, and Myanmar. 
Photo source: EAAFP

They are known for feeding on plant seeds, waterweed, and other aquatic invertebrates. Unfortunately, the population of this species has been declining due to hunting and habitat loss. 

Baer's Pochard males have black heads with green gloss, while females have lighter shades on their heads that blend into their chestnut-brown chests.

07| The Brazilian Merganser

The Brazilian Merganser is among the six most endangered waterfowl species globally. In 1992, only about 250 mature individuals were estimated to exist, and their population has continued to decline. Habitat loss due to soybean farming, mining, and hydroelectric power projects is the primary threat to this species.

Photo source :IUCN red list

These ducks have a sharp-edged beak and shiny dark-green feathers with dark-gray accents. They are usually quiet but can bark in specific situations. Despite not having been seen in recent years, the Brazilian Merganser is still classified as critically endangered since 2019.

08| The Madagascar Pochard

The Madagascar Pochard is one of the world's rarest birds, and it was believed to be extinct until explorers found the species in Madagascar in 2006. The explorers discovered 22 Pochards nesting in a small lake in the north, but by 2009, only six females remained.

Photo source; kidadi

To help with their endangered status, the Malagasy government started a captive breeding program, which successfully hatched 24 ducklings. However, as of the current time, the IUCN estimates that there are only around 30 mature individuals left, and the species has been critically endangered since 2016.

09| Pink-headed Duck

Tied for the first place as one of the rarest ducks in the world is the Pink-headed Duck, which is now considered extinct.

Photo source: Re:wild

 This duck species was native to Bangladesh, Myanmar, and India, and hasn't been seen in recent years. The primary cause for their decline was the destruction of their habitats, as they lived in forests and wetlands.

Pink-headed Ducks had a brown body with a pink head, which gave them their name, and they laid unusual spherical-shaped eggs. They were listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2016, and the remaining population was estimated to be only 0.4 square miles. Since they were non-migratory birds, their range was limited.

10|  Crested Shelduck

The Crested Shelduck, also known as the Korean Crested Shelduck, is considered the rarest duck globally, with only an estimated 49 mature individuals remaining. This species is found in China and Russia and is listed as extinct in Japan. In 2018, it was added to the critically endangered list on the IUCN Red List.


Crested Shelduck
Photo source: wikipedia

Due to their rarity, not much is known about the Crested Shelduck. Males and females have distinct appearances, with males having a greenish-black body and grayish upper wings, face, throat, and beak. Females have a white eye ring.



These ten rare duck species face critical endangerment and need urgent attention to prevent their extinction. The loss of their natural habitats, hunting, and other human activities are the primary reasons for their decline in population. 

Efforts such as captive breeding programs, habitat conservation, and community education are essential in protecting and increasing the number of these endangered ducks. 

The uniqueness of these duck species, from their distinct physical features to their rare vocalizations, makes their preservation all the more vital. It is essential that we take action to protect these rare ducks and ensure their survival for generations to come.